Money Can buy Everything right ? just read - Best Share

Money Can buy Everything right ? just read

He'd say reading or something. I'd say I'm taking you somewhere. He'd say okay, when? I'd respond with, I'm outside in the limo. Travel and many other things were the same. I'd ask what he's doing, he'd respond and I'd say okay see you this weekend in Miami or we're going to Hawaii, etc., and your tickets confirmed so don't miss your flight.

My father did so much for me that I deeply appreciate, that as soon as I began working, his money to me, was no good. I treated him regularly, often by surprise, and it made me feel great. I'd call and ask what he was doing.

He was a great father because he was present and he fully participated. His work ethic was legendary, his disgust for laziness and non productivity very vocal and his caring for and giving to others, including community, church and those he tended to on the many overseas missions he helped organize, etc., exhaustive and inspiring! My father LOVED and CARED about PEOPLE!
All my life I heard females remark "your father's so handsome". Even childhood and teenage female friends, neighbors and acquaintances chimed this too. Though conservative and understated, he knew and believed it as well. :) To that end, poetically even, when he retired and real estate investment had become his pastime, I surprised him one day with a breakfast invitation. I picked him up, we ate and then I took him to a mall. He wondered why we were there. I told him I had plans for the rest of the afternoon. I took him clothes shopping where I picked out and bought several outfits, most outside of his standard conservative sphere. Next we went downtown where I had scheduled a photo shoot. He was at first in disbelief, a bit uncomfortable, but after I explained my master plan, he simply rolled with it. I coordinated the outfits, selected the poses and various props, etc. All the photographer had to do was point and click. We all had a great time!
I sent the aforementioned pictures to the top agencies in MN--all of whom promptly responded and offered representation. Once signed, my father immersed himself, took acting, modeling and voiceover classes and he excelled. He became the absolute top talent in his local demographic, did theater, bit parts in major movies, many television commercials and innumerable print jobs. He took what I seeded to a whole different level. He had a great time with this and was making more $ than ever before. This life chapter he began in his 60's and it continued until his passing in his 80's.

Great human, my dad.:)                            
Money Can buy Everything right ? just read Money Can buy Everything right ? just read Reviewed by Unknown on 5:48 AM Rating: 5

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